nrf-connect-sdk-template v0.3.0-4-g483b200
nRF Connect SDK CI/CD Template

This repository contains an example project for the nRF Connect SDK to integrate CI/CD for static analysis and style check according to the guidelines for our Embedded Projects.

Source code based for this template is based on the nrf_profile example from the nRF Connect SDK.

How to modify the Template

The following files should be modified:


The following variables should be modified:

  1. NORDIC_CONNECT_SDK_VERSION: Version of the nRF Connectd SDK used for the project. The value should correspond to one of its release tags.
  2. SRC_DIR: Relative directory where the source files are located for your application.
  3. ZEPHYR_BOARD: The zephyr board used to compile the project. Available options can be listed with west as west boards.